Topic: Current Events
Okay folks, all Summer long we've been informed of recall after recall and incident after incident involving tainted and dangerous goods imported from China. Now it's Aqua Dots that remind us of the need for consumer action.
Our government has failed, once again, to adequately protect the American public from this outrage (no big surprise there). From food, to clothing, to toys, China is waging a silent war against America by slowly poisoning us, our children, and our pets and our government is apparently in collusion with Beijing.
I have often said that big business equals bad business. My philosophy is no better borne out than by toy companies' continuous reliance on questionable sources for their merchandise. Big business doesn't care in the grand scheme of things if their product lines are dangerous. Their view is that they'll make more money by using cheap, criminally negligent, foreign supply sources than they'll lose to potential litigation from adverse incidents.
I was shopping for my son's birthday presents back in September and could only find ONE line of toys NOT made in China. For those of you who share my desire to provide our children with safe entertainment, the Playmobil Company of Germany's toys are not made in China.
With these facts in mind, it's time for a grass-roots level boycott of ALL products imported from China and any other country that fails to meet our standards of product safety. These are OUR lives and OUR childrens' lives and OUR pets' lives- not China's and not even our government's. If our lackluster executive & legislative branches want to economically bouy up corrupt regimes, let THEM buy this crap for THEIR kids. Let all of us "regular joes" keep the jobs in the US and ensure the safety of our families by only buying American or even reviving long-lost skills and generating "craft-industry" toys and products for our loved ones' sakes.
Next time you're shopping for anything, check the labeling for where the product was made before putting it in your shopping cart. With the holidays approaching, keep this in mind when buying decorations and other holiday regalia. Store shelves full of merchandise that isn't going anywhere is the only way big business and government will take our concerns seriously.