Topic: Social Editorial
After a visit this morning from a door-to-door solicitor, I've come to the conclusion that the vagrants of El Paso are moving from the street corners and interstate off-ramps to a new venue. Either that or somebody just doesn't have a clue about salesmanship. The dude shows up in shabby clothes, doesn't introduce himself nor the cause he's supposedly raising funds for. Just asks my husband if he wants to buy a pocket calculator for five bucks. When Hubby says "no" he gets pushy and offers some non-descript books instead. Sounds suspicious, since it was only 10 A.M., it's "government check day" and there are LOTS of elderly people who whould not be able to fend off a home invasion living in my neighborhood. BTW, I reported his sorry ass to the authorities as any consciencious citizen should.
Here's a clue for you 21st century salesmen- the old "don't take no for an answer" thing is passe. Folks these days don't care to be bothered at home (I'll hammer on telemarketers another day). No means "NO." When you hear that word, thank the homeowner for their time, then get the hell out of there. I'm a firm believer in the right to keep and bear arms. You're on my property uninvited when you're soliciting. If you get pushy, BEWARE!
After years of seeing unsupervised school-age kids peddling in my neighborhoods and having been one conscripted to raise funds for various projects in my schools as a child, I've done some thinking. Does the word: EXPLOITATION mean anything to anybody? People also don't consider the fact that you don't always know the people or their character in any given neighborhood (sex offenders and child molesters often lie about their addresses to the authorities). Any parent worth their salt should readily question a school administration's sanity and motives when one of these sales projects is dumped on children. After all, EVERYONE pays TAXES to fund and support school activities. Where is this money going???
No matter if you're 12 or 72, if you're selling something door-to-door, identify yourself and your organization before you say anything else. You'd also better be ready to back it up with contact information in case a savvy person like me wants to check. A business card with that information on it would go a long way in my book. Next- don't dress like a vagabond when you do sell door-to-door. That should be obvious, but if you don't have even that level of common sense, you don't belong selling door-to-door. Image has the potential to sell or put off buyers, depending on your appearance. Kids- for Pete's sake, don't go out selling without adult supervision. An adult supervisor present and available to ask complex questions of may actually make me more likely to listen to your pitch, as well as provide visible deterrence to people with "unsavory intentions." If a school's administration isn't prepared to provide this type of support when parents are unable to supervise, they should consider another method of fundraising.